
Accelerating The Journey Into The Brain Members Public

They send and detect signals a million times smaller than those controlling your smartphone. AI software filters millions of seemingly random strains of neural chatter to discern chords of neural activity.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Reversing Aging: Gene Therapy, Vaccines, and Virtual Reality to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease and Solve Underpopulation Members Public

Indeed, by 2050 the population over the age of 65 is predicted to be more than double. Longevity is also accompanied by the increasing rate of chronic diseases, in which AD plays a relevant role.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease with Disruptive Advances: Artificial Intelligence Knows No Limits Members Public

The early detection of AD based on AI would allow easier management for care providers and the patient’s family, thus decreasing financial expenses and overall healthcare costs to treat this pathology.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Are Technomorphic Worldviews Taking Over? Immersive Experiences, Our Next Reality? For Whom? Members Public

A technological focus is fantastic, but the problems that we are facing are more systemic. Zooming out to a higher level to see the systemic connections is very much needed. It’s not about that technology can solve healthcare problems, but how it can be adopted at an affordable level.

Paul Epping Alina Solotarov

Five Hidden Friends To Experience The Reality. Does It Make Sense To Sense? Members Public

Thanks to the ability of our brain to develop and change throughout life, scientists began to explore how they could use the brain’s neuroplasticity to enhance senses beyond human limits.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Hacking The Brain: A Disease Treatment or D.I.Y Product? Members Public

“The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” By quoting Michio Kaku [], definitely you are guessing the content

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Enhancing the Brain: A Smart Plug and Play System Members Public

Have you ever wondered what’s inside your head? What makes you able to think and memorize, feeling happy or sad, seeing or hearing, breathing or moving, and even more perceiving the temperature, thirst, or hunger.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Digital Biomarkers To Detect Early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease: Hype Or Hope? Members Public

The healthcare system saw the entrance of advanced technologies to produce, acquire and monitor data leading to a better understanding and investigation of several disease processes while promoting health and prevention.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni