Case Study

ExO Sprint for Global Outreach: Shingon Buddhism's Exponential Impact Members Public

Community members from OpenExO ran an ExO Sprint to pioneer digital adaptation for a Shingon Buddhist Temple. Bridging cultures and embracing virtual communities, the initiative seeks to enhance the lives of individuals worldwide.

Sasha Sadovnikova
Sasha Sadovnikova
OpenExO Community

ExO 2.0: Transforming Developing Economies Members Public

Discover how developing markets embrace exponential growth and drive sustainable development through innovative projects like eTukTuk, an electric vehicle initiative in Sri Lanka and Cambodia.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

Driving 10x Growth and Impact: Insights from Exponential Organizations 2.0 Members Public

Discovering the Transformative Power of ExO 2.0 - Dive into the ultimate guide for building exponential organizations, equipped with new case studies and innovative tools, to drive growth and impact in today's dynamic world of exponential innovation.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

Igniting Emaar's Exponential Potential Members Public

OpenExO determined that real estate and construction would experience some of the biggest transitions over the next decade as the world grapples with a population of 10 billion, 3 billion additional households joining the middle classes, rapid urbanization, remote work, and the rise of metaverses.

Ashley Pfaff
Ashley Pfaff
ExO Sprint

How INTERprotección Rose Above the Rubble Members Public

Investing in an ExO Sprint can drive meaningful results in innovation. INTERprotección is Mexico's biggest insurance broker. In 2016 they were leading the market in the travel and car insurance.

Kelsey Driscoll Mike Lingle
ExO Sprint

How You Can Give Your Digital Transformation Story a Happy Ending Members Public

Digital transformation is a necessary, yet challenging, process that is critical to companies remaining competitive in the current corporate landscape. Find out how your business can excel at it.

Kelsey Driscoll
Kelsey Driscoll
ExO Sprint

Being Exponential : The Value Imperative Members Public

The Top100 Exponential Organizations were identified in 2015. It was asserted that these will deliver higher levels of resilience and impact. So, how have these Top100 Exponential Organizations performed over the years? Have they created Value or Otherwise?

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal