
The Psychology Of Digital Transformation Members Public

In reality, about 70% of organizational transformation initiatives fail to meet expectations. Having advised companies across industries for over two decades, I've found that managing the human element is crucial for digital transformation success.

Kamales Lardi
Kamales Lardi
Digital Transformation

Exponential Technologies in a Nutshell Members Public

Our professional future contains challenges due to uncertainty and increasing volatility in the Digitalization era. It attributes rapid changes to Exponential Technologies, emphasizing faster adoption, universal digitalization, and reduced costs as performance doubles over time.

Miguel Angel Rojas
Miguel Angel Rojas
Exponential Technologies

10 Startling Facts about Digitalization Members Public

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic" – Peter Drucker, emphasizing the critical need for businesses to adapt to changing times.

Miguel Angel Rojas
Miguel Angel Rojas
Business Innovation

The Role Of Big Data In Legal Decision Making Members Public

Discover how big data is transforming the legal landscape, from predictive analytics to smarter legal research and dispute resolution. As big data analytics continues to grow and become more prevalent, its role in legal decision-making will only become more prominent.

Professor(Dr) Sanjay Rout
Law & Legalities

How Chinese Companies are Reinventing Management, aka Becoming Exponential Organizations Members Public

DEDA OR AISD are certainly different acronyms. But, the common link is - reinventing management - aka becoming Exponential Organization

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

The Beginning of the End of Our Stone Age Members Public

Digital technologies keep changing faster, but we’re still the same humans, nestled in today’s context, thinking incrementally and not stressing our imagination muscles hard enough.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Employee Centricity Alone Might Not Prevent Great Resignation Members Public

We are in a transitional period toward new organizational architectures. The next significant innovation will not be technological, but in the way, we organize our potential.

Remote Work