
Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises - Image by Metamorworks Canva Pro

Exponential Thinking for the 99.9% - Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises Members Public

Empowering small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the Exponential Organization (ExO) framework is essential for their survival and growth in today's rapidly evolving landscape, as their agility and fewer bureaucratic layers offer unique advantages over large corporations.

Niki Faldemolaei Huba Rostonics
Exponential Organizations
You're Already Being Outplayed - Gamification is giving forward-thinking companies a competitive edge.

Level Up Your Business Strategy; Winners Never Stop Playing Members Public

If you think games don't belong in the workplace, think again. The most innovative companies are unlocking maximum engagement by applying game principles that level up customer loyalty and employee motivation.

Niki Faldemolaei Fabrizio Gramuglio

Understanding Exponential Methodologies and Attributes of Exponential Organizations Members Public

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of an Exponential Organization, as the ability to anticipate future technology trends and align product development with the evolving landscape can make or break a company’s competitive advantage.

Dr. Thomas Scotton
Dr. Thomas Scotton
Exponential Organizations

Disruptive Potential: How Exponential Attributes Are Transforming Education #2 Members Public

By effectively leveraging algorithms, educational organizations can provide more personalized and engaging learning experiences, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve student outcomes and operational efficiency.

Fabrizio Gramuglio
Fabrizio Gramuglio

ExO Heroes: Which One Are You? Members Public

Each ExO Hero symbolizes a specific attribute integral to the success of an ExO, such as Staff on Demand, Community & Crowd, and Algorithms, AI, Data, among others.

Oliver Sabiston
Oliver Sabiston
ExO Heroes

The Importance of a Chief Exponential Officer (CExO) in Every Organization Members Public

A CExO can bridge the organization and external entities, fostering strategic collaborations and alliances.

Kevin Allen
Kevin Allen
Exponential Organizations

Gamification Lessons Learned From the OpenExO Community Game Members Public

The gamification experience was designed to engage players using the Octalysis framework and has yielded valuable community-generated content and lessons learned.

Fabrizio Gramuglio Sasha Sadovnikova

How INTERprotección Rose Above the Rubble Members Public

Investing in an ExO Sprint can drive meaningful results in innovation. INTERprotección is Mexico's biggest insurance broker. In 2016 they were leading the market in the travel and car insurance.

Kelsey Driscoll Mike Lingle
ExO Sprint