Future of Food

Transforming Agriculture: Making an Impact in a Changing World Members Public

Amidst rising global population and urbanization pressures, sustainable agricultural practices like hydroponic farming emerge as vital solutions, using up to 90% less water and significantly reducing the need for land conversion.


Cultured Meat: A New Paradigm Members Public

The rise of lab-grown meats, propelled by concerns about environmental sustainability and ethical considerations, marks a transformative shift in the food industry, poised to address the challenges of population growth and conventional meat production.

Future of Food

Exponential Impact Of Artificial Photosynthesis & AI Technologies on the Food and Agriculture Industry Members Public

Artificial photosynthesis holds the key to a sustainable, green revolution in agriculture and food production, offering solutions to climate change, clean energy production, and increased crop yields, making it a must-read for anyone interested in shaping a better future.

Professor(Dr) Sanjay Rout
Artificial Intelligence

Unlocking the Power of AI: How ChatGPT Can Revolutionize the Fight Against Food Waste Members Public

The statistics are alarming, with food waste being responsible for a larger greenhouse emissions footprint than major industries such as the airline industry, plastics production, and oil extraction.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira
SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger: The Big AgTech Opportunity Members Public

People experiencing moderate food insecurity often cannot eat a healthy, balanced diet due to income or other resource constraints. If these trends continue, an estimated 840 million people will be hungry by 2030.

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

ExO Hits of the Week - 29 July 2022 Members Public

In this week’s ExO ‘Hits of the Week,’ here is what our community is reading: Modern Business Models Will Drive the Post-Pandemic World Nearly half of Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram for search instead of Google, according to Google's own data

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain
Climate Change

Shanghai's Lockdown and Food - A Microcosm to Explore The Global Supply Chain Members Public

The issue is that there was nobody to deliver anything. There was an abundance of food outside of the city, but due to the lockdown, all the delivery workers were stuck at home and there was nobody to deliver anything to the approximately 6 million households in Shanghai.

Stanton Wong
Stanton Wong
Supply Chain

The Future Of Food: From Disruption to Reinvention Members Public

We have seen how advanced technologies may help the restoration of resources, moving from scarcity to abundance. Once again, welcoming and embracing disruptive technologies in our daily life brings the advantage to unlock unlimited opportunities and a future even brighter than imagined.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni
Future of Food