Future of Business
Embracing Business Model Innovation: The Shift from Scarcity to Abundance Paid Members Public
When businesses adopt an abundance mindset, they are more likely to partner with others, share knowledge, and co-create. This leads to richer, more innovative solutions that benefit a wider audience.
Could Cooperatives be the Ultimate Expression of the ExO Model's Community Attribute? Paid Members Public
Cooperatives take the ExO community concept to the next level by transforming customers into owners, aligning incentives, and driving innovation through shared decision-making and profit-sharing.
Report: The Future of Insurance Reimagined Paid Members Public
The global insurance industry is facing an inflection point. It needs to be Reimagined
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Importance of Governance in Brazilian Companies Paid Members Public
Companies that fail to fully integrate AI will face failure within a decade, according to Peter Diamandis and Salim Ismail.