Future of Work

Global Shifts in Power: New Places, New Faces Members Public

Distributed power across the world, driven by digitally-enabled youth creating economic opportunities, maybe the antidote the world needs to its current conflicts and crises.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Global Awareness

The Impact Technology Revolution is Here, and It’s Creating Millions of New Jobs Members Public

Over the last decade, hundreds of thousands of new startups, companies, and organizations have emerged creating millions of new jobs that are saving the world and paying workers well.

Darlene Damm
Darlene Damm

The Psychology Of Digital Transformation Members Public

In reality, about 70% of organizational transformation initiatives fail to meet expectations. Having advised companies across industries for over two decades, I've found that managing the human element is crucial for digital transformation success.

Kamales Lardi
Kamales Lardi
Digital Transformation
Unleashing Human Potential - image by Metamorworks Canva Pro

Unleashing Human Potential: Lessons from 'Beyond IQ' for Innovative Consulting Practices Members Public

"Beyond IQ" exemplifies how integrating Exponential Organization (ExO) principles like interfaces, dashboards, experimentation, autonomy, and social technologies enabled its global expansion and impact in revolutionizing career guidance and skill development.

Niki Faldemolaei Jonathan Frost

Abundance, Universal Basic Income, Blockchain, and Technological Socialism Members Public

The rise of abundance has led to a 'productivity explosion' driven by technological advancements, significantly increasing output per input unit across various sectors and ushering in a new era of material abundance.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Human Behavior Research Members Public

LLMs, such as ChatGPT, have enormous potential to transform human behavior research by offering unprecedented speed in data collection and theory testing. They simulate human responses, allowing social scientists to delve deeper into the complexities of human behavior and social dynamics.

Oscar Schmitz
Oscar Schmitz
Artificial Intelligence

From Idea to Platform: Inside the Pro Foundations Course Members Public

The ExO Pro Foundations Course empowers professionals to lead transformative change in the fast-paced world of exponential organizations, marking a milestone in OpenExO's mission to shape the future of business and society.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira
Exponential Organizations

Embracing the AI Revolution: Autonomous Agents and GPTs Members Public

With the introduction of GPTs in 2023, OpenAI has not only democratized AI but also ushered in a new era of personalized digital assistance, as these highly specialized versions of ChatGPT, known as Custom GPTs, promise unprecedented precision in meeting individual needs and professional demands.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley
Artificial Intelligence