
Cultivating a Mindset for Global Success Members Public

Exponential Organizations (ExOs) typically seek global success by leveraging exponential technologies, innovative business models, and a scalable organizational structure to impact a large number of people and disrupt traditional industries on a global scale.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Exponential Organizations

A Winner's Worldview: Who's Going for Gold in 2024? Members Public

Success is often driven by a clear, external ambition. Athletes' Mindset Holds the Key to Business Triumphs. Discover the Winning Principles that Propel Athletes to Gold and Apply Them to Your Business.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz

Intro to the Luck Mindset™ Members Public

This introductory article focuses on what Luck IS and is NOT, where the concepts behind it evolved from, where it leads to, and introduces some key tools you can start using to change things for the better. It introduces the Luck Mindset, an approach that future articles will dive into and explore.

Stuart Lacey
Stuart Lacey
Luck Mindset