90-Day CEO Plan: Insights from an Exponential Community Paid Members Public
OpenExO is a community with currently +17K exponential thought leaders. The place where innovation coaches, disruption specialists, startup founders, and tech industry gurus gather will help each other to transform the world for a better future.
Entrepreneurial Instructor: How to Become One? Paid Members Public
When you embrace the role of trainer, it builds loyalty, drives your team's development, and drives superior business performance. Teaching is not simply an "extra" for good managers but an integral responsibility. If you don't teach, you don't lead.
Venture Capital In Technology Ventures Paid Members Public
Entrepreneurship is about making a life-long plan that has a positive impact on society. True wealth requires the creation of lasting value, which requires integrity and ethics.
Want Your Startup to Succeed...Faster? Paid Members Public
This technique helps organize sales calls using questions to understand Customer Situations, their Problems, the Implication of their problems, and the Need-payoff.
Play to Test And Not To Die in The Market!!! Paid Members Public
This is where gamification enters into the playing field because it is not applying traditional techniques to see what the market needs, the famous pains, the motivators, but simply to play, to find answers in that testing.
Hawkeye and KPIs: Target of Success Paid Members Public
Having too many objectives is counterproductive because you don’t know how to prioritize or where to start. That is why it is essential to have KPIs.
The Pitches: Stories from Exponential StartUps Paid Members Public
After 30 days in the ExOBuilder exosystem, the teams were invited to present their Pitches for live feedback from Pedro Lopez-Sela (Innovation Expert), Diego Martínez de Velasco (Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Consultant), Paty Mora. The results are here.
The Other Side Of Entrepreneurship Paid Members Public
All the stories told were about following a series of steps, stacking one learning on top of the other, knowing where you want to go by understanding where you are. Then, using the right metrics, measuring, comparing, pivoting, learning, and keep going, last but not least, having a support system.