Fourth Industrial Revolution

Tenacity of Technology, Audacity of Humanity - My Reflections from WEF 2023 Members Public

At the World Economic Forum held recently at Davos, the theme was Cooperation in a Fragmented World. As we enter a new era of accelerated poly-crisis, I took away six key thread which I believe will define the future for the business, economy and humanity.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Exponential Technologies

The Global Responsibility of Exponential Organizations Members Public

The technological advances that have been developed as a result of this Fourth Industrial Revolution present a window of opportunity for states and international organizations to address global problems in a much more effective and coordinated manner.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

21st Century Skills To Succeed in Industry 4.0: A Revised Education To Prepare Future Exponentials Members Public

Educators, administrators, parents, and employers must be aware and conscious about their primary role in educating students, so future generations get ready and prepared to face a world of exponential and disruptive changes.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni