Growth Mindset

The Psychology Of Digital Transformation Members Public

In reality, about 70% of organizational transformation initiatives fail to meet expectations. Having advised companies across industries for over two decades, I've found that managing the human element is crucial for digital transformation success.

Kamales Lardi
Kamales Lardi
Digital Transformation

Understanding Exponential Methodologies and Attributes of Exponential Organizations Members Public

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of an Exponential Organization, as the ability to anticipate future technology trends and align product development with the evolving landscape can make or break a company’s competitive advantage.

Dr. Thomas Scotton
Dr. Thomas Scotton
Exponential Organizations

Intro to the Luck Mindset™ Members Public

This introductory article focuses on what Luck IS and is NOT, where the concepts behind it evolved from, where it leads to, and introduces some key tools you can start using to change things for the better. It introduces the Luck Mindset, an approach that future articles will dive into and explore.

Stuart Lacey
Stuart Lacey
Luck Mindset