
Power is Captured by Those Who Know How to Create It: The AI Tech Race and the Case for Decentralized Intelligence Members Public

Centralized AI concentrates knowledge and power in the hands of a select few, potentially leading to a scenario where the control over AI technologies becomes a control over societal functions.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Artificial Intelligence

Abundance, Universal Basic Income, Blockchain, and Technological Socialism Members Public

The rise of abundance has led to a 'productivity explosion' driven by technological advancements, significantly increasing output per input unit across various sectors and ushering in a new era of material abundance.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro

Breaking News: EXOS Token Embarks on a Transformative Journey with Casper Networks Members Public

Embarking on a transformative journey, the EXOS token announces its migration to Casper Networks, fostering a strategic partnership with Casper Labs and igniting excitement within the OpenExO community for a seamless transition into a new era of technological innovation.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira
Casper Networks

Future Impact of Cyber Risk on Cryptocurrencies Members Public

Discover the future impact of cyber risk on cryptocurrencies and explore strategies to safeguard your digital assets.

Professor(Dr) Sanjay Rout

Exponential Technologies: The Intersection of Blockchain and AI Members Public

The fusion of Blockchain and AI revolutionizes the Web3 ecosystem, empowering individuals and organizations to analyze vast amounts of data for informed decision-making while fortifying security measures against evolving threats, paving the way for a more efficient and secure digital future.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro

Another Seismic Shift in Innovation: Part 1 of 3 Members Public

In this new Metaverse, users will have full control over their data, identities, and interactions. They will be able to create, own, and monetize their content and experiences and participate in many decentralized applications that span a wide range of sectors and industries.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
Web 3
Image of the Code of Hammurabi's points on con men, next to a chart of the SQUID coin's value during a pump-and-dump

Age-Old Scams Thrive on The Crypto Frontier Members Public

Technology changes but people, not so much. Fraud may be the oldest and largest industry disrupted by cryptocurrency and its half-sibling, the non-fungible token (NFT).

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

How to Operate in a New Web3 World Members Public

Web3 is a cultural movement, a whole new philosophy. It goes beyond coding and finance. It is a new world that enables creators and users to capture the value you create, and we need to understand what it means and how we should change our operational models.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Web 3