Rodrigo Castro

Participated in developing the concept and methodology for implementing a business result project instead of just a tool implementation project with the Chilean consulting firm Plus Consult Limited.

Management in the Exponential Era Members Public

Exponential Organizations (ExOs) achieve rapid growth through technology, requiring a unique management approach with key components like Live Information Systems and Facilitative Managers. This framework emphasizes agility and strategic decision-making.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro
Exponential Organizations

Abundance, Universal Basic Income, Blockchain, and Technological Socialism Members Public

The rise of abundance has led to a 'productivity explosion' driven by technological advancements, significantly increasing output per input unit across various sectors and ushering in a new era of material abundance.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro

Let's Talk About Data-Driven ExOs Members Public

Dashboards, the "D" in IDEAS within an Exponential Organization, serve as pivotal tools for fostering a data-driven decision-making process, while Structural Management, rooted in causal chains of KPIs, guides the fulfillment of organizational goals, usability & operational effectiveness.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro

Smarter Organizations by Design Members Public

We need a conceptual overlap development of how exponential thinking fits in digital transformation because they can benefit from each other. Those working on developing a consultancy sustained by exponential thinking can see their target market multiply exponentially.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro
Exponential Organizations