
Humanising Machines Members Public

One of the reasons why Machine Intelligence has taken off in recent years is because we have extraordinarily rich datasets that are collections of experiences about the world that provide a source for machines to learn from.

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Artificial Intelligence

Venture Capital In Technology Ventures Members Public

Entrepreneurship is about making a life-long plan that has a positive impact on society. True wealth requires the creation of lasting value, which requires integrity and ethics.


Intelligent NFTs And Zero Marginal Cost Societies Members Public

Regular individuals will soon be able to create and own a character that resembles an actual human and authentically converses like the natural person... Instead, they are seemingly intelligent digital beings that autonomously hold their own discussions.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Regulatory Challenges to Catastrophic AI Risk Members Public

Regulations may drive research underground where it is harder to monitor, or to ‘flag of convenience’ jurisdictions with lax restrictions, by embedding dangerous technologies within apparently benign cover operations (multipurpose technologies).

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Artificial Intelligence

Are Technomorphic Worldviews Taking Over? Immersive Experiences, Our Next Reality? For Whom? Members Public

A technological focus is fantastic, but the problems that we are facing are more systemic. Zooming out to a higher level to see the systemic connections is very much needed. It’s not about that technology can solve healthcare problems, but how it can be adopted at an affordable level.

Paul Epping Alina Solotarov

The Possibility of Inheritable Data (Your DNA Can Do That!) Members Public

In a future where DNA sequencers unlock the ancestral archive encoded within our genes, the boundaries between personal memory and human history blur as we become living repositories of our shared past.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley