Nell Watson

Tech Ethicist ∙ Interdisciplinary Researcher ∙ Reformer ∙ AI Faculty @SingularityU ∙ Chair @IEEESA ECPAIS TEFG ∙ ∙ ∙

How To Make The Metaverse Cool Members Public

The metaverse has challenges. Intimate virtual concerts and interactive set visits could be the game-changers, fueled by our desire for parasocial connections with celebrities. Find out why Apple's cool factor and knack for exclusivity might give them the upper hand.

Nell Watson
Nell Watson

AI, Logistics, and Waste: Making Sense of Chaos Members Public

AI helps us to make sense of things and organize them. Crypto helps us to distinguish facts, enhance trust, and align incentives in powerful new ways, making it pay to play nicely. The Internet of people, places, & things, makes processes tangible, connects & becomes meaningful.

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Artificial Intelligence

Humanising Machines Members Public

One of the reasons why Machine Intelligence has taken off in recent years is because we have extraordinarily rich datasets that are collections of experiences about the world that provide a source for machines to learn from.

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Artificial Intelligence

The Virtual Founder: When The Boss is a Bot Members Public

Recent advances in blockchain technology will soon allow for the deployment of self-enforcing smart contracts (such as joint savings accounts, FOREX markets, trust funds, insurance, and derivatives), as well as (DAOs) that subsist independently of any moral or legal entity.

Nell Watson
Nell Watson

Regulatory Challenges to Catastrophic AI Risk Members Public

Regulations may drive research underground where it is harder to monitor, or to ‘flag of convenience’ jurisdictions with lax restrictions, by embedding dangerous technologies within apparently benign cover operations (multipurpose technologies).

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Artificial Intelligence