Niki Faldemolaei

Transforming the world economy for a better future. A tokenized global economy. As this economy grows; As it leverages its native digital asset EXOS to its fullest extent, leads to powerful change.

A Perspective to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (UN SDG5) with Bonisha Maitra

A Perspective to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (UN SDG5) with Bonisha Maitra Members Public

One main thing that nobody really talks about is how diverse the entire space is. Let's say you like art, go create NFTs. Let’s say you like hacking, you can be a developer. It's genuinely like a whole universe of opportunity and it's not biased.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei

Manifesting in the Metaverse; A Universe of Possibility Members Public

We have over 20 industries in the throes of disruption, and I believe that youth and the young-minded have the creative ability to carve the roadmap to the evolution of our civilization.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
ExO Economy where utility meets liquidity in a unique interface to the community OpenExO

ExO Economy; Where Utility Meets Liquidity in a Unique Interface to the OpenExO Community Members Public

As we launch into the public markets, strap in for a thrilling journey with EXOS, and don't forget to claim your rewards from the 30-Doubling Challenge to stay ahead in the game

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
ExO Angels
ExO Economy Business Case

ExO Economy Business Overview Preview Members Public

We create value in the ExO Economy through the addition of utility to the token over time.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
ExO Economy