ExO Economy Business Case
ExO Economy Business Case

ExO Economy Business Overview Preview

We create value in the ExO Economy through the addition of utility to the token over time.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei

The ExO Economy is the global emerging economy of the OpenExO Ecosystem

Our goal, expressed as a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP), is to Transform the World for a Better Future.

In order to do that we have been validating, implementing and refining the Exponential Organizations (ExO) methodology over the last few years, delivering 20+ projects with $3+ million revenues for the ExO Network, on top of hundreds of millions in downstream benefits to our clients and partners. We also have a thriving certification business and media business tested during COVID-19.

Now, we are in the perfect position to scale and reach truly global, widespread impact, not only at a corporate, but also national, city, community and personal levels. This massive opportunity, however, requires us to create additional economic and structural rails, outlined in this document, to help us take off and reach new heights.

The key tenant of the ExO Economy is its focus on delivering positive change in the world by focusing on creating and supporting purpose-driven, scalable and sustainable organizations – ExOs1.

OpenExO, Inc. – a public benefit corporation has been driving the development of the marketplace, methodology and ecosystem, with a (currently) 7,500 strong network of ExO Consultants, Advisors, Disruptors and Coaches delivering transformational work through partner and sister organizations, such as ExOWorks. This single purpose has helped to grow our interconnected network of people and organizations well and have global footprint and impact.

We believe we go much farther than that, though.

What is currently a platform and community could evolve into an economic and work protocol (ExO Economy) which will provide new means for people to enable the positive change they seek, globally. The EXOS token is an important tool to get us there.

One important differentiator for ExO Economy is that we have first built the community and the network, contrary to the current trend of trying to release the token first, and build the network later. The groundwork for the whole movement began years ago, and the EXOS token went live three years ago.

The Current ExO Ecosystem and Movement

The current ExO Ecosystem is both a collective and an amalgamate of a network of companies, organizations and individuals. We like to think of it as an Exponential Ecosystem ™.

OpenExO and it’s community of nearly 8000 people are driving the movement as well as creating the initial platform and marketplace.

The EXOS token, on the EXOS blockchain, is a tool to bind the actors in the economy and align all the incentives.

The OpenExO Community and Network are the lifeblood of the ExO Economy. It is not companies, per se, who do the hard work, but the people working there.

The ExO Community

The ExO Community is a network of approximately 500+ trained professionals with the 7,800+ strong ExO community in 133 countries. They collectively speak 43 languages. We are helping organizations and cities and institutions shake off their linear thinking shackles and become (more) exponential in every way as outlined by the ExO Model.

ExO Economy Attributes

ExO Community members operate as Staff on Demand to ExO Solutions agents today.

Members of the Network, based on their contributions to-date have been, and will be, rewarded with EXOS. EXOS have a tendency, as a unit of account, to make their way to the right stakeholders in the ExO Economy.

EXOS are a primary form of currency in the OpenExO Platform Marketplace.

Value creation in the ExO Economy

We create value in the ExO Economy through the addition of utility to the token over time.

The primary example of this is the OpenExO marketplace. In that marketplace you can use EXOS tokens to acquire the services of other members of the community in a peer to peer fashion. People use this capability to create the change they seek. For example, we have community members working on HIV in Africa, the future of Latin America, the future of healthcare, breast cancer detection, regenerative and urban agriculture, and yes of course, peer to peer payments.

30% of The OpenExO Community have also certified themselves in our training and certification programs, many paying with EXOS, to grow their capacity to effect transformation at scale.

From a network to an emerging economy 

Measuring Economic Output

Having its own currency, the participants sharing similar values as well the overall entity being much greater than the sum of constituents, the ExO Network starts looking more like an emerging, digitally-native, globally-spanning economy.

A common way to measure an economic output of an economy is through either GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or GVA (Gross Value Added). In our case, there is no specific geographic territory, but it can be safely assumed that anyone using EXOS to transact and do work is a member and contributor of the ExO Economy and its value added.

Hence, ExO services rendered could be used as a proxy for the economic output of our emergent ExO economy.

Proxy for Capital in a Digital, Distributed Economy

Most of the ExO work is service- and knowledge-based, so there are few physical assets which could be considered means of production.

Nonetheless, most of the value, as well as the potential “upside” will be accumulated and accrued in fast-growing, impactful, purposeful companies

– ExOs (Exponential Organizations). ExO startups still function mostly in the traditional model – using equity. Once the latter gets aggregated and redistributed to all the Economy members through future governance mechanisms or token update, we will have means of both value accumulation and wealth redistribution in our token economy.

Main value drivers

As discussed before, we believe that there are two fundamental sources of value (capture and accumulation) in the ExO economy – the value added services component, as well as the equity swap model.

However, beyond the purely rational economic elements, the overall value of EXOS will also be shaped by other factors too.

The need to scale

Despite our progress, we are still in the early stages of creating a nascent economy. It takes time. Our token just turned three years old in April of 2021.

This is a long term project. We anticipate the true magnitude will unfold over 100 calendar quarters. The opportunity is unique, but so is the demand to increase the productive capacity of the whole ecosystem and continue to adapt and evolve.

Opening the network to public access

There are a number of steps we are currently undertaking towards our long-term vision of a decentralized system. This involves: Token distribution – we are constantly looking into new ways for EXOS to find way to token holders who can benefit from it the most Protocol and software development – especially bringing in external developers and community (in particular, C#/.NET) Governance evolution and long-term policy (described more in the Appendices and the “Governance” section). Bridges to other blockchains – We are launching a wrapped EXOS token called wEXOS on Ethereum in mid-2021. This will allow us to participate in the growing global liquidity in the Ethereum network on Uniswap. We are in meaningful conversations with major exchanges.

EXOS and the current Token Economics of a Native Digital Asset of the ExO Economy

Token design – overview

EXOS token is the native digital asset of the EXOS blockchain and the ExO Ecosystem. All the transactions on the EXOS blockchain are denominated in EXOS.

Token’s initial purpose is to serve as a way for the ExO Ecosystem to transact among themselves and other token holders – fast, globally, and digitally.

At first, the only way to gain EXOS is to receive them for ExO services rendered, or contributions to the ExO Economy and the Ecosystem. In that sense, EXOS is a (proof of) work token, too.

Gradually, as the Economy becomes increasingly decentralized and dematerialized, the token will become the binding agent between all the ExO entities, as well as serve as a store of value (and potentially a governance mechanism) for the whole network.

Functions of the token include value exchange that has been used in our member and collective exponential organizations. Use cases include using tokens as:

– a means of payment,

– consultancy & advisory services,

– education,

– speaking engagements,

– development,

– design,

– well-being

– incentive competitions

– donations, tips

– long term value capture and storage

Our current decision-making process has begun to move away from its genesis as a more centralized process to a decentralized democratic cooperative model. Our approach towards (governance) evolution is that of emergent evolution toward a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). Complex behaviors naturally emerge from simple rules – rather than trying to predict and design everything upfront. In addition, we have made progress with several use cases and the swae decision making platform and our holacratic/sociocratic team and communications architecture.

Still, we are studying different, emergent models, though. That includes the economic model of digital, emergent or community-based economies. We are doing our modelling work too, studying different scenarios, which can bring us closer to having a self-sustainable and self-sovereign, digital economy.

One major drawback of the current economic systems is the disproportionate gains between people who do the work and people whosee the fruits of that labor. Using the token and future governance and ownership models, we are paving the way for a new, economic model. And if we are right, we are creating an emerging economy which drives positive transformation in the world AND allows all the contributors to share the upside from the change they seek.



True to our principles, we are constantly iterating, refining and experimenting, hence the Business Overview document is an compilation of what our plans and strategy are and contains forward-looking statements.

Also, as much effort we put into making all the information correct, valid and useful, please consult your tax, legal, accounting and financial advisors before making any decisions resulting from this read.



Access: ExO Economy | Business Overview V 3.0 May 2021

For inquiries, please reach out to us on the Website, Telegram, Discord, or via the OpenExO platform.

Website & Blog

https://economy.openexo.com/ contains regularly updated information about the Economy, the Team, events, updates, and more.

Telegram - https://t.me/exos_economy

Public Discord server

https://discord.gg/eCNMCMt our go-to channel for live chat and connecting with many other members of the community.


You can download all of the EXOS wallets, and look into our code base at:


Case Studies + More Information About ExO

https://www.exo.works/case-studies contains a number of case studies with how ExO methodology helped major corporate clients.

Follow the ExOEconomy social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram,)

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ExO EconomyExO AngelsEXOS

Niki Faldemolaei Twitter

Transforming the world economy for a better future. Green Economy Conference Ops, Community Builder, Founder Extended Health Span Index & ExO Angels, VP Compliance Agility for ESG/SDG