Three Divides and Eight Acupuncture Points

From Ego to Eco Mindset: Transforming Organizations for 10X Social Change

Organizations need to address the ecological, social, and spiritual divides, proposing Theory U as a transformative framework to create exponential positive impact and shift towards collective leadership and an eco mindset.


The world needs organizations - businesses, not-for-profits, government, institutions, and all kinds of small and big organizations to 10X the social impact.

We are living on a planet where we can categorize all the problems into three buckets. 1. Ecological Divide 2. Social Divide, and 3. Spiritual Divide

1. The Ecological Divide

This divide represents the disconnection between human systems and the natural environment. It reflects the unsustainable practices and lack of ecological awareness that often prevail in our societies and organizations.

The no. is 1.8                

We have become so focused on our own needs and desires that we have lost touch with the natural world. We are exploiting the Earth's resources at an unsustainable rate - 1.8 times the regenerative capacity of planet Earth, and we are causing climate change and other environmental problems.

2. The Social Divide

This divide refers to the gaps and inequalities that exist between different social groups. It encompasses issues of poverty, inequality, discrimination, and exclusion, highlighting the need for social justice and inclusion.

We are increasingly divided along lines of race, class, religion, and nationality. We are more likely to see others as threats than as potential allies. This divide makes it difficult for us to cooperate and solve the problems that we face together.

From the finance and wealth perspective. The No. is eight. Eight Billionaires have more wealth than 50% of the population at the bottom of the pyramid. Also, 1% of the population owns more than 90% of the population.

3. The Spiritual Divide

This divide represents the disconnection between an individual's true self and their actions in the world. It reflects the absence of deeper meaning, purpose, and values in our personal and collective lives.

We have lost touch with our inner wisdom and our sense of purpose. We are living in a state of constant stress and anxiety, and we are not living our lives to the fullest.


Theory U by Dr. Otto Scharmer of M.I.T is a powerful, globally acclaimed framework for leadership and change management. Dr. Otto Scharmer got the 'Elevating Humanity' award from the OD Network over and above various other awards for the difference-making work he and his team have been doing across the world. Theory U is being used by organizations across sectors, including large corporates, small businesses, NGOs, government organizations, the UN, the World bank, and more

Theory U principles help us to see the world in a new way, create new possibilities, and to take action to make the world a better place.

The World needs organizations that create exponential impact in healing the three divides and creating a better place on the planet.

Shifting from ego mindset to eco mindset. Shifting from individual leadership to collective leadership.

How to Heal The Three Divides

  1. Being aware of the three divides on a regular basis and looking at every decision from the prism of the three divides.
  2. Spreading awareness in your organization and eco-system on an ongoing basis.
  3. Knowing that the 3 Divides is not a theory, it is happening with you, me, and everyone. Our family members, colleagues, friends, and relatives everyone is dealing with some or other form of Spiritual Divide. Each one of us is stuck in the social divide, and we are disconnected from nature in many ways.
  4. Create empathy and open heart communication with everyone. Provide deep listening and space. Create an environment where people can share deeply as well as listen deeply.
  5. Train yourselves and others around you in the tools of Theory U, like deep listening, sensing, seeing the world from other's eyes, tapping the intelligence of the heart, tapping the collective intelligence, etc.,
  6. Use the advanced elements of Theory U for collectively co-creating the future in the areas that you are committed to.

Data mentioned above is sourced from the U.lab workshop by M.I.T.

#OrganizationsForImpact #SocialJusticeMatters #EcoConsciousness #BridgingDivides #CollectiveLeadership #TheoryUInAction #CreatingPositiveChange #HealingTheDivides #SpiritualAwakening #InclusiveWorld #SustainableOrganizations #EmpathyAndCommunication #TheoryUTools #CollectiveCoCreation #AwarenessForChange #BuildingABetterWorld #AddressingInequality #EnvironmentalAwareness #SocialInclusion #GlobalImpact

About the author: Manoj Onkar, Sr. Consultant - MANAGEMENT INNOVATIONS. We are an OD consulting firm operating from India, Thailand, the Philippines, and the UK. Our participants have been from 10+ countries and 30+ industries.  We work in the area of culture transformation, leadership development, strategy execution, innovation, and sales redesign.

We help in creating future-ready organizations where people bring their souls.

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📚Exponential Organizations 2.0:

ImpactEcoConsciousnessLeadershipInclusive EnvironmentSustainabilityEmpathyCommunication


20 + years experience in individual and organizational transformation. Global Faculty, Executive Coach, OD Consultant MTP: Creating future ready organizations where people bring their soul.