Photo by Gülfer ERGİN / Unsplash

The 10 Story Pen White Paper

As a literary detective and algorithmic author, I've deconstructed the works of prolific authors to uncover ten key story algorithms, revealing the mathematically-driven techniques that create compelling narratives.

Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly

I am a literary detective and algorithmic author who merges the art of storytelling with the precision of quantitative analysis. Taking inspiration from the principles outlined in "The Checklist Manifesto," I've embarked on a fascinating journey of reverse-engineering the storytelling techniques of some of the most prolific authors of our time: Ernest Hemingway, John Grisham, Sebastian Junger, Jonathan Harr, Alex Kershaw, and Lee Child. Collectively, these authors have sold over 450 million books, a testament to their masterful command over narrative.

Using a methodical approach, I've deconstructed classic works such as "The Old Man and The Sea," "The Perfect Storm," "A Civil Action," "The Bedford Boys," "The Firm," "Calico Joe," and "Jack Reacher - Never Go Back." Through extensive analysis, I've unearthed ten key story algorithms that define the essence of compelling storytelling.

Among the findings is the pivotal role of cognitive metrics: humans speak at an average of 150 words per minute, read at 200 words per minute, and engage in cognitive thinking at 450 words per minute. With an average attention span of just 8 seconds, I've discovered the necessity of inserting time references every 24 words, aligning with the average reading pace and maintaining the reader's engagement.

Further analysis shed light on the strategic use of pronouns and time references across different authors. For instance, Hemingway employed a pronoun every 7 words and a time reference every 18 words, while Grisham used a pronoun every 12 words and a time reference every 22 words. These patterns reveal intricate yet powerful tactics to captivate readers.

By harnessing these mathematically-driven techniques, I have unlocked the secrets of bestselling narratives and found a revolutionary approach to storytelling that promises to enthrall readers and aspiring writers alike.

Please download "The 10 Story Pen White Paper"

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StorytellingStorytelling TechniquesAlgorithms

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I'm a 40 year veteran of the construction industry. I've reversed engineered books by Hemingway, Grisham... I've built a new AI writing app, my MTP is Empowering the world to write creatively with AI