Peter H Diamandis

The Exponential Entrepreneur: What it Really Takes Members Public

About 75 percent of the companies that start fail after two years, and only 25 percent manage to survive, which is based on the fact that, although a venture starts from an innovative idea, the lack of managerial, financial, and commercial skills leads to failure.

Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs

While We Dream: The Neuroscience of the Sleeping Brain Members Public

Dreams would help in processing emotions, and individuals affected by higher levels of stress and anxiety would indeed experience nightmares and frightening dreams.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Exponential Opportunity Meets Exponential Responsibility Members Public

Immediately sensing their ecosystems' collective will, hundreds of companies have swiftly and voluntarily severed their business ties with Russia. As a result, exponential responsibility is sprouting from exponential capability.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher
Ukraine-Russia Crisis

Forget Startups, ExOs (Exponential Organizations) Are The New Way To Innovate Members Public

When you lower the cost of supply, you decrease the denominator and your market cap explodes. This is one of the reasons why there are so many unicorns these days.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail
Exponential Organizations

Book Editorial: "The Future is Faster Than You Think" Members Public

Only if we manage to change our mental model will we change our way of thinking. That is why it is so advisable to stand on the shoulders of giants like the authors and learn to review our certainties with these alternative models.


Exponential Medicine: The Longevity Industry 2.0 Members Public

Contrary to the expectations of a world free of mortality, the goal of the longevity industry is to predict diseases while giving hope for a world without age-related diseases.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

The (un)clear Linkage Between Purpose, Profit Maximisation, And Solving Global Challenges Members Public

“Can companies generate more profit by using their money to solve social or environmental issues?” Recent studies show that purpose-driven companies outperform their competitors significantly. Employees are more than twice as productive in purpose-driven companies.

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

The Future Is Faster Than You Think Members Public

If we limit ourselves to large companies, in the last 60 years, almost 90% of the Fortune 500 have disappeared and a further 40% are expected to disappear in the next ten years, according to the study of the Washington University St. Louis.

Luca Leonardini
Luca Leonardini
Peter H Diamandis