
Exponential Ventures For Global Problems Members Public

It is easy to conclude that we live in a bittersweet world; on the one hand, we have fewer global tragedies, but on the other hand, we are destroying the planet with our actions, to the extent that there are already companies that are thinking about how to establish life on another planet.

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Book Editorial: "The Future is Faster Than You Think" Members Public

Only if we manage to change our mental model will we change our way of thinking. That is why it is so advisable to stand on the shoulders of giants like the authors and learn to review our certainties with these alternative models.


Five Steps To See Your Business Future Members Public

Companies routinely look for data in the mold of the past, tracing the usual set of competitors, customers, threats, and opportunities. It’s nicely structured, but wrong.

Jonathan Brill
Jonathan Brill

The Road Ahead: Navigating in an Exponential Future Members Public

We are currently living at a crossroads between an immense opportunity to build solutions and the risk of falling victim to some of humanity’s greatest challenges. Technology offers one perspective, ancient wisdom another, and the science of optimal wellbeing and human potential yet another.

Frank Fitzpatrick
Frank Fitzpatrick

DAO's Are Novel But Not New Members Public

Distributed Autonomous Organizations are cooperatives that have been cryptomonetized. Everything else that a DAO does has been done for at least two hundred years.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley

How to Run a Remote ExO Sprint During a Pandemic of Both Virulence And of Fear | Week 8 - 10 + Epilogue Members Public

Every aspect of the sprint had some model or gamified token to represent it, and the teams used these tools to tell a story about where their initiatives originated from and where they are going.

Sebastian Sjöberg
Sebastian Sjöberg
ExO Sprint

Are We Heading Towards A Star Trek Or Mad Max Future? Members Public

Star Trek: The only way we can grow and evolve as a new species is to have new experiences. - Peter Diamandis

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail