ExO Model

No Purpose? No Growth. No Party. Members Public

We know that the failure rate of digital transformation projects can be explained by the gap between "knowledge" and "know-how." In the real world, entrepreneurs understand what strategies they need, but many of them are unable to "ground them," so they get stuck.

Luca Leonardini
Luca Leonardini
Exponential Organizations

A Different Perspective on The ExO Attributes Members Public

What if we conceive the SCALE attributes as our organizational sensors because we want them to detect something we want them to detect? And the IDEAS attributes are ‘layers’ in organizations that help us make sense of what we are sensing.

Paul Epping
Paul Epping
Business Models

How to Operate in a New Web3 World Members Public

Web3 is a cultural movement, a whole new philosophy. It goes beyond coding and finance. It is a new world that enables creators and users to capture the value you create, and we need to understand what it means and how we should change our operational models.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Web 3

The Future Is Faster Than You Think Members Public

If we limit ourselves to large companies, in the last 60 years, almost 90% of the Fortune 500 have disappeared and a further 40% are expected to disappear in the next ten years, according to the study of the Washington University St. Louis.

Luca Leonardini
Luca Leonardini
Peter H Diamandis