Business Models

Even Indiana Jones hesitates when something is so easy to grab

Are Maturity Models the Holy Grail? Members Public

Maturity models are based on the idea that a set of characteristics or capabilities increases an organization’s chances of success in a particular area. Therefore, an organization that fosters these capabilities will be better positioned to succeed in a specific field.

Miguel Angel Rojas
Miguel Angel Rojas
Maturity Models

Developing & Selecting Talent In The Right Way Members Public

The study of successful companies has led to the identification of some practices that have proven to be effective in growing an organization in a structured manner. These practices will be discussed here.

Future of Work

Why Companies Should Start to Think About Building and Leveraging Communities Members Public

Organizations that are striving to scale and generate high impact must start to leverage and build communities around their cause. If you want to scale and generate higher impact, ask yourself and reflect on the following questions ...

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

The (un)clear Linkage Between Purpose, Profit Maximisation, And Solving Global Challenges Members Public

“Can companies generate more profit by using their money to solve social or environmental issues?” Recent studies show that purpose-driven companies outperform their competitors significantly. Employees are more than twice as productive in purpose-driven companies.

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

Entrepreneurship, Complexity, and Data Science: Part II Members Public

The mathematical study of business models, especially orchestrators, can lead us to know the answer to questions still foreign to us today. How does a business model die? Is there a scale on which it is impossible to maintain the scale of the model? Why are they so difficult to reproduce?

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

The Secrets to Achieving a Trillion Dollar Market Cap Members Public

A key hallmark of Exponential Organizations is that their products & services are information-based. Add hardware and a design aesthetic, that stays flexible, can adapt and change to a rapidly changing business environment & where management stays true to those principles, then you unlimited upside.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail
Exponential Organizations