Lars Lin

Builds & Transforms #Humanized Organizations, Programs & Services For Positive Exponential Impact

Designing Sprint Teams That Can Build Exponential Organizations Members Public

What does it take to design an effective and diverse ExO Sprint team capable of helping your organization make a successful exponential transformation?

Lars Lin
Lars Lin
ExO Sprint

Building Community for Exponential Organizations Members Public

A thriving community of engaged members and evangelists is critical for the long-term health and success of any ExO. Are you ready to build and nurture your exponential community?

Lars Lin
Lars Lin
Community & Crowd

Is the Fear of Making Mistakes Getting in the Way of Your #Mindset Change? Members Public

Is the fear of making mistakes getting in the way of your #mindset change? Getting rid of fears is a key part of transformation projects. Here is a simple model anyone can introduce in their teams to begin offloading fears of making mistakes.

Lars Lin
Lars Lin