How To Create Community And Generate Engagement: A Shared Adventure

When I learned that Karen Cantarero had been the winner of the exoWOMEN award, an award created by the Latin American OpenExO community, that recognized Latin American women who had stood out during the year 2020, at first I was frustrated. Because I  was one of the 10 women that were nominated but did not win. But then I got curious to know who Karen was. I reached out to her. And we had a virtual meeting through zoom. It was through the lens of this conversation, I understood why she deserved to win. I congratulated her for all her achievements and commitments with women in her country - Nicaragua one of the poorest in Latin America.

From that moment we created a great bond and started working and collaborating together on different projects. She inspired me. Touched me. So I asked myself: “How can it be that this woman is so extraordinary, is part of my OpenExO community, and I didn't know her.” Something wasn't right. I spent that night thinking, imagining. Trying to figure out how to connect with more “Karens” around Latin America. I wanted to go one step further. And my energy started to flow.

With this first dream, the 1st exoWOMEN event was born in March 2021, which sought to celebrate international women’s day.

It was born with the aim of approaching and recognizing all women. Not only those who are famous, or recognized professionals in their industry or have influential positions. The idea was to develop an event for EVERYONE: the invisible, housewives, those just starting their careers, those who want to change, those who cannot find their place, those who do not know how to ask for help or do not know their full potential.

An event to intertwine, get to know each other, inspire, collaborate and share.

And most importantly, once we were together, to be able to help other women to use an abundant mindset and exponential resources.

In less than two months, I started contacting women from the OpenExO network and lifelong friends right away. And in 2 days, there was already an organizing committee, journalists, designers, and five working committees. Let us never underestimate the power and energy of a group of united women!

And the magic happened, a new project began to take shape, all working together. A few of us know each other. But with a strong MTP (massive transformative purpose):

“Make our voices an exponential network.”

We added nearly 30 companies and more than 1000 connected people who joined our cause. We managed to help 4 Latin-American NGOs, mentored them and helped them find their purpose, and became stronger and better prepared for the future. And thanks to our sponsor Rutanio, we could distribute digital tokens to them, to use on other projects.

After the event, we got together to create new projects. Some evolved, some didn't. But the community remained.

We learned to work with strangers, with different visions, points of view, time zones, and ways of doing things, but all united with the same purpose and commitment to community help and collaborative work.

We Evolved. We Experimented. We Grew.
Register for this event here

And today, we are here again, in time to return with a second #exoWOMEN event on March 10th. And go one step further.

I feel humble, and with hope, because that prize that was born in 2020 to recognize one woman, evolved into an event to celebrate hundreds of them in 2021, and today in 2022, is transforming into a community that is growing every day.

We want to grow as a network. We believe in the power of people.

We believe in the value of actions, in our experience, and our courage.

That is why today I invite you to look at yourself in the mirror and reflect:

How did you get here?

What was the path that made you who you are?

Challenge your own limits. If you try, you can get what you want. You don't need to choose between this or that, you can get it all.

Join the #exoWOMEN event on March 10th.

Time: 5pm MEX - 6pm COL - 8pm ARG

Register here for this free event.

And learn more about our purpose, and commitment to help other women

This time we unite around three major objectives:

  • Support three (3) non-profit organizations led by women in the region
  • Launch the MUJERESXMUJERES program, to continue our work throughout the Latin American region.
  • Celebrate the strength of the ExoWomen volunteer network, inspire through the stories that we will share during the event.

Join the #exoWOMEN community and help us transform the future together for women in Latin America and around the world.

With our hearts full of joy, we are ready for you to join us next Thursday, March 10!

ExoWOMEN of the world Together we are stronger!

Thank you for joining us on this adventure.

Check out this news article about the event:  Women’s History Month: A time to learn, inspire and empower women, and help ensure no one gets left behind

Register for this event here
Book Karina for your event and discover how she can empower your community.